After a year of blog (yes, it's been over a year that Saturday night), I am taking a short break. No inspiration, laziness, etc.. etc. This is what I wore yesterday to the beach party last summer, I fear. Good weekend. After a year of blogging (yes, More Than A year has passed since That Saturday night), I Took a rest. You know, no inspiration, laziness, etc.. etc. This is what I Wore yesterday for the last (I'm afraid so) summer party on the beach. Have a great weekend.
A masterkey is somewhere inside of the world in which i live
Solve My Mystery - Oasis
First, we solve the mystery! As the only Joelyn of sidney girl noted, what's wrong in the last picture of my clothing is ... the little head to Marina! For the second time since his arrival home, my cat was in the photo ahaha Go look at the photo below left :)
Now that the mystery was solved, enjoy this leap backwards: Yesterday in the old grandmother's house I found my father's magazines, including this supplement to Vogue one of many men. I scanned the pages that I have piĆ¹ colpito ad una prima seguiranno altre:P Ricordatevi di cliccare sulle immagini per ingrandirle!!!
First of all, let's solve the mistery! As Joelyne from the sidney girl only noticed, what is out of the ordinary in my last outfit pic is...little Marina's head! For the second time since her arrival at home, my kitty took part in the photo shoot lol Go and look at the bottom left of the pic :)
Now, enjoy this flashback: yesterday at grandma's place I found some magazines belonging to daddy, among these I took this Vogue supplement. I scanned the pages that The Most impressed me When I Opened the first magazine .. I'll publish more soon: P Remember to click on the pics to enlarge!
The dress on the right is so far ahead, do not you? And what about the hair accessory and bracelets right?
Is not the dress on the left totally avant-garde? And what about the hairband and the jewelry on the right?
Streetlight people, living just to find emotion Hiding, somewhere in the night
Do not Stop Believin ' - Journey
And this year the beach for sunrise in August. C heddles on images to enlarge. you notice something unusual in the first pic? :) Every 14th of August young people spend the night on the beach, drinking, eventually cooking and eating, dancing and having fun, waiting for the dawn. Probably the eagerly-awaited event of the summer. Click on the images to enlarge. Do you notice anything weird in my outfit pic? :)
I got nine lives Cat's eyes Abusin' every one of them and running wild
Back In Black - AC / DC
What I wore yesterday. And my new kitten. Obsessed with feet and shoes. Good day to you all! Outfit from yesterday. And my new kitten. A little girl. Obsessed with feet and shoes. Have a good day!
Did you look the way you wanted to look? Did you feel the way you wanted to feel?
I Do What I Do - John Taylor
Last night I saw 9 weeks and 1 / 2. And I loved it. The beauty of Mickey and Kim takes your breath away. (I put many, too many pictures, but I did not know what to choose!) Cliccate per ingrandire. I watched 9 1/2 weeks yesterday night. And I loved it. Mickey and Kim's beauty lets me speechless. (Too many pics, I know. But I couldn't choose!) Click to enlarge.